Best denso tape in Riyadh
Saudi Arabia | Damad Pipes
Best denso tape in Riyadh
Best denso tape in Riyadh
Best denso tape in Riyadh
Best denso tape in Riyadh


Denso Tape™ is a cold-applied anti-corrosion and sealing tape based on a synthetic fabric, impregnated and coated with a neutral petrolatum compound. Versatile, easy to use, surface tolerant and long-lasting, it can be used as an effective solution to a multitude of corrosion prevention problems on steel pipework and fittings.

Denso Tape™ is a component of Denso’s recommended system for P1 specifications covering the protection of ferrous pipes, joints and fittings within the water industry.

Densyl™ Tape is available for Tropical Climates and a Fire Retardant grade – Densyl™ KF Tape is also available.

  • Easy to apply
  • Flexible and mouldable
  • Cold applied
  • Surface tolerant
  • Can be applied over thin layers of tightly adhering rust
  • Self adhesive
  • Easily removed for substrate inspection
  • Cost effective
  • Can be applied to cold, wet surfaces that are minimally prepared
  • Provides long term anti-corrosion protection for above and below-ground pipes, flanges, valves and related surfaces
  • A component of Denso’s recommended system for P1 protection
  • WCD Petrolatum Tape Systems

  • WCD Protection of Buried Pipelines, Fittings and Specials

  • WCD Protection of Pipeline Fittings and Valves


Denso Hand Operated Pipe Wrapping Machines

These machines ensure correct tension and overlap of tape during application.

The Bitumen Tape Machines are for the application of Densopol™ and Densoclad™ Tapes. The tape spool and interleaving removal head is a separate unit and two of these units can be fitted to the frame at any time. The machines are robustly built to enable rolls of tape up to 30m long and 230mm wide to be used.


• Automatic interleaving removal
• Available in three sizes to accommodate pipe diameters 50-1200mm

The Petrolatum Tape Machines are for the application of Denso™ and Densyl™ Tapes. They can be used for a single wrap or with a simultaneous application of outerwrap tape.


• Available in three sizes to accommodate pipe diameters 25-600mm